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AmeriCorps Project Yes!

Volunteers are a vital part of making our organization great!

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Project YES! encourages members of the community to volunteer and be actively engaged in their community. One of our program’s goals is community strengthening. We believe, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that “Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” AmeriCorps Project YES! recruits volunteers for member development training and workshops, service projects at the sites where members serve, and for National Days of Service.

Ways To Volunteer

There are a number of ways to be a regular volunteer or just pitch in for one of our events:

School Teacher


Teach a training or workshop to help develop members in their year of service. Ideas include: classroom management, stress management, career building, and other education and service related topics

Improv Workshops


Members recruit volunteers to engage the communities at the sites they serve. Ideas include Career Panel, Theater Workshop, Police Officer Workshop, and more!

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Members plan and organize days of service throughout the year including: MLK Day of Service, Field Day, and Seeds of Service. Find more information on these events below!

Apply Now!

Teach a training or workshop to help develop members in their year of service. Ideas include: classroom management, stress management, career building, and other education and service related topics

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